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From Gary Lanier... In an effort to help you expand the use of TLC Music, below you will find worship suggestions for your congregation. These are especially helpful if you are serving in a Blended Worship church. May the Lord bless as you worship Him.
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Just click the FREE LEAD SHEET! Music is printable on 8 1/2 x 11 paper, and includes an Unlimited Copy License.
1) Sing the melody of verse 1 down to the refrain. Then... 2) Repeat it with the congregation. (maybe even an extra time or two) Then... 3) Let the choir/praise team sing the refrain, unison melody. Then... 4) Sing verse 2 (Jesus, You are a mystery...) with congregation all the way through in parts. Then... 5) Sing verse 3 (Spirit, You are a mystery...) with congregation down to the refrain. Then... 6) End by slowly singing verse 1 again and end on the 2nd ending without singing the refrain.
The only suggestion is to sing it and mean every word. You might sing it as a solo then invite all to join. The choir could hum parts and sing with the congregation on the repeat. Beautiful thoughts fill my mind When I think of You, my Savior Beautiful things fill my life As I live for You, my Lord Beautiful words I will say As a sacrifice of praise You are my beautiful Savior And You are my beautiful Lord
1) Sing the first phrase with the guys. Better is one day with the Lord, Than all the riches that we behold Better is one day with the Lord 2) Sing the second phrase with the ladies in two part. Better is one day with the Lord, Than all the riches that we behold Better is one day with the Lord 3) Start all over with everyone singing the melody, including the congregation. Then... 4) Choir/Praise Team sing the bridge in parts. Then... 5) All sing, including the congregation from the repeat sign to the FINE. That's ends verse one. On verse 2 have everyone sing everything.
Since this is a short chorus my suggestion is to use it in a medley with JESUS IN ME. They are both in the key of D and work well together. 1) Just sing BLEST ARE YOU a time or two and everyone will know it. Then... 2) Sing Verse #1 of JESUS IN ME. Then... 3) Repeat BLEST ARE YOU. Then... 4) Sing Verse #2 of JESUS IN ME. Then... 5) End by singing the refrain of JESUS IN ME or go back to BLEST ARE YOU.
Listen to the "Live" Worship clip. It will give an idea as to how it can be done. 1) You might start by singing Part A as a solo. 2) Then, repeat it with everyone (including congregation) joining in on the melody. 3) Then, have the choir/praise team sing Part B in parts. 4) Then, have the congregation join in on the pick-up that goes back to the sign (unison melody or parts): "In all I do I want to praise you," etc. to FINE. 5) Then, if you want to extend it, just repeat Part B, this time let the congregation continue to sing (they just heard the choir/praise team sing it). 6) Then, go back to the sign just like before and sing to FINE again. You can repeat the last phrase if you like, "In all I do I want to please you," etc. to FINE.
This song works great as a follow up to PRAY WITHOUT CEASING. 1) The tempos are basically the same for both songs. They are also in the key of C. So, if you like, start with PRAY WITHOUT CEASING, then sing GOD IS. 2) Sometimes I start it very slow as a solo, taking much liberty with the tempo, maybe with one instrument (piano or guitar). 3) Then, in tempo, play a few measures (4) of C chord as you share the goodness of God. Then... 4) All join in. Then... 5) After you sing through a time or two, you can end it by singing the last phrase a few times. "I will shout...etc..." This is a fun one to sing and works well with adults and the "younger generation."
1) Sing it through with the praise team/choir in C.
Then... 2) Repeat again with the congregation in the same key (C). Then... 3) Have the accompanists play an A7 chord (notes are A, C#, E, G) for one measure. This leads into the key of D. Then... 4) Sing it again in the new key (D). Then, if you want to make a medley... 5) Have the accompanists play a D7 (notes are D, F#, A, C) for one measure. This leads into the key of G. Then... 6) Sing SWEET, SWEET SPIRIT or something else in G.
God of Many wonders
The Hymn Sheet is 3 pages long and is ideal for corporate worship or as an added choral special. What you might try is to introduce it as special music, then later as a congregational worship song.
AS SPECIAL MUSIC 1) Ladies sing Verse #1 in Unison 2) Men Verse #2 in Unison 3) Men & Ladies sing the BRIDGE in Unison 4) ALL sing Verse #3 in Parts to the end. (vary this anyway you like) IN CORPORATE WORSHIP 1) Choir/praise team sing Verse #1 in Unison 2) Turn to the congregation and invite them to join in as you repeat Verse #1. 3) Then, continue with Verse #2 (Choir/Praise team sing in parts) 4) Turn to Choir/praise team and sing the BRIDGE ("Creation shouts etc...) 5) Now invite the Congregation to join in on Verse #3 as the music goes to a new key. Another way to use GOD OF MANY WONDERS is by just singing the verses without going to the bridge. It all depends on what best works for you.
1) If your accompanist can transpose start verse #1 in Eb, verse #2 in F and verse 3 in G. 2) Then, sing the 3rd verse of Fanny Crosby's, PRAISE HIM, PRAISE HIM. In both songs the third verse is about the second coming of Christ.
Suggestion #1 1) Use it as a call to worship. Have the choir/praise team sing it in Ab. Then... 2) Invite the congregation to join and repeat it in Ab. Then... 3) Continue with the key change (A) to the end. Suggestion #2 1) For a blended worship service, sing BRETHREN WE HAVE MET TO WORSHIP (Ab). Then... 2) Without stopping, turn to the choir/praise team and sing GREAT AND MARVELOUS as in Suggestion #1.
CHRISTMAS SUGGESTION: 1) For a Christmas blended worship service, open with GREAT AND MARVELOUS as in Suggestion #1. Then... 2) Without stopping continue with JOY TO THE WORLD (D).
1) This song works great for a rhythm section (guitar, bass, keyboard, drums). 2) If the adults are not into contemporary music, but allow the youth to share with the congregation, that might be a good way to introduce this song. It will really stir up praise, especially when you get to "praise is flowing from my heart to You. You are Holy, You are Holy." 3) It is written in the Key of D. So, it works with many praise songs, such as COME, THOU FOUNT using the tune WARRENTON. You might start with this tune, then go in the HOLY, HOLY, then sing Beethoven's, JOYFUL, JOYFUL, WE ADORE THEE which in most hymnals is in the Key of G.
![]() This is a ministry song that I wrote because we had a real need in our church for a simple "heart cry" song. Through years of ministry, I have learned that God uses music to prepare the hearts of His Children. This song works great in several different ways; 1) At the beginning of worship, preparing the way for true worship. 2) Just before the spoken message, preparing hearts to receive. 3) For invitation or ministry time, opening hearts to receive ministry from the Father. You will notice I have given you the Hymn Sheet in two keys. This simple chorus also has the potential to build into a powerful worship experience, so you might want to take advantage of the key change and use it in the middle of a worship time, building to another chorus. I trust it will be a "tool" that God will use in a great way in your life and ministry.
![]() #1 - Let me encourage you to listen to the "LIVE" WORSHIP clip. Then, adapt it to your own situation. It will give you an idea as to how to repeat different sections and how to end it. You'll also get a laugh from hearing my mess ups. But it really doesn't matter when you're ministering to the Lord. #2 - You can sing the whole song or just use the first page. #3 - As a medley "HOW REFRESHING" works well with my song, "HOW PRECIOUS". Both are in the same key. If you don't have "HOW PRECIOUS", click the title link to download the FREE LEAD SHEET, or you can purchase the SATB Hymn Sheet. #4 - Use it in a medley blending the old with the new. Try singing "HOW REFRESHING," then, without stopping sing, "I SURRENDER ALL." Then, continue with "HOW REFRESHING." I believe you will get a lot of mileage from this little song.
This song has two verses with the same refrain for both. Verse one is based on 2 Corinthians 5:17 - "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." The idea is that we want to experience what we already are, NEW CREATIONS. Verse two is based on John 15:4-5. It's about abiding in Jesus because He is the Vine and we are the branches. This worship song works great with just one instrument such as a guitar or piano as well as a rhythm section. Notice the one measure introduction. This is to help establish the key which is D. I did this because the first chord of the verse is G6 rather than the usual tonic chord which is D. If you rather, you can establish the key by playing a D chord for a measure or two as you talk to the congregation about who they are in Christ and the importance of abiding in Him. (just a suggestion) 1) On Verse 1 keep it in a nice relaxed ballad style singing unison melody. Just let it flow like a gentle breeze in a moderate tempo (metronome about 90 bpm). (Verse 1) I am a new creation, old things have past away I am a new creation. Lord help me live it today 2) On the refrain punch it a bit harder and sing in parts. This is the time to show gratitude. (refrain) You did not count my sings against me You did not turn away You gave Your all so You could bless me Lord, how You bless everyday 3) You can begin Verse 2 by playing the INTRODUCTION again or by going directly to the verse. This time you can sing in union or parts. Maybe sing it in unison, then, repeat in parts. (Verse 2) You are the Vine within me, I am the branch in You You are the Vine within me, Lord, I abide in You 4) Now, sing the REFRAIN in unison, then repeat it in parts. 5) I like to end by repeating the last line a few times, each time with less volume and slower tempo. (ending) Lord, how You bless everyday Lord, how You bless everyday Lord, how You bless everyday
This one is so fun to sing. It works well as a single or medley. There is a longer version that will be released as an octavo shortly. It has an added verse plus a bridge that really builds with a lot of praise energy. I. Here's one way to try it: Sing it as a Call To Worship and then start all over and invite the congregation to sing it with you. II. Here's another way: 1) Sing the first 8 measures, then have the congregation repeat it with you. Then... I know the Lord is great The Lord is great and mighty His mercy endures forever (repeat) 2) All sing verse 1 of the hymn HOLY, HOLY, HOLY (in the key of D). Then... 3) Go back and sing the first 8 measures of the chorus again with the congregation. Then... 4) All sing the last verse of HOLY, HOLY, HOLY. Then... 5) Go back to the chorus. Sing the whole thing this time. When you get to the bridge (the congregation won't know it), just direct the choir. Then, turn back to the congregation and finish. 6) If things are really feeling good, just hit the bridge again and maybe invite the congregation this time.
1) If you have a guitar player, start in the key of D and sing it as a solo. Then, invite all to join singing the melody. Then, 2) Add the rest of the instruments (rhythm section if you have one) and sing parts. Then, 3) Cut the instruments and sing the first half a cappella, then add instruments join for the last half. 4) Tag the ending by singing the last four measures a couple of times
![]() This song, IN OUR MIDST, is so refreshing. It continually reminds us that no matter what we do, or where we are, God, is always in "our" midst! He is always inside me, through His Spirit, encouraging me to experience HIM! But, there is something very special about being together with the Body of Christ, experiencing the Lord. Matthew 18:20 says... "For where two or three have gathered together in My name, there I am in their midst." What a wonderful promise and this simple praise song reminds us of His presence IN OUR MIDST!
This is another song that works great no matter where you place it in your worship service. It's a great opener, setting the mood for worship, reminding all that Jesus is IN OUR MIDST. If used in the middle of worship, it will cause you to stop and realize that He is IN OUR MIDST. It is also a moving addition at the end of a worship segment, causing the church to praise Him for being IN OUR MIDST.
Let’s say you want to open the service with the hymn, O Worship The King. All you do is have the choir jubilantly sing the Intro to that hymn. It will be a refreshing surprise to everyone. As a matter of fact, you have just set the tone for a marvelous worship time. Then, as if that wasn’t enough, when the last measure of the hymn is sung, you turn to the choir and blast out the Tag Ending. You might even hang on to the last note for a few extra beats with a big crescendo. Another way you can use INTRO & TAG ENDINGS FOR GREAT HYMNS is in a hymn medley. For example, the choir could sing the Intro to the hymn, I Am Resolved, sing a verse or two, then go directly into, There is Power In The Blood. After the final verse, the choir sings the Tag Ending written for There is Power In The Blood. The platform has been set for a powerful message, offering, testimony, invitation or more praise and worship. JESUS SAID
![]() The form is A, A1, B, B' 1) Just sing the first two lines (A & A') a time or two and all will know it by memory. 2) Then, when you get to the Refrain, let the choir sing it the first time and all join on the repeat. 3) Sing verse 2, then, if you have the TLC chorus PRAY WITHOUT CEASING, sing it. They are both in the key of C. 4) Then, go back to JESUS SAID, verse 3. 5) Then, back to PRAY WITHOUT CEASING.
This is a gentle flowing song. So, if you have a guitar player that can gently strum, this is a good one for him/her. If you can, add a nice quiet string background pad. A couple of other additions would be an electric bass and ballad style drums (very sensitive). A good worshipping drummer can adapt, so don't let him/her get too heavy. Wow! Looks like we just added a rhythm section. If this is too much for your church, piano or organ will work just fine. 1) Sing it through in unison. The key is low enough for almost anyone. Then... 2) Invite the congregation to join and repeat verse 1 again in unison melody. Then... 3) Sing verse two in parts. Then... 4) Repeat verse one without instruments in parts. Then... 5) Extend the ending by singing the last phrase a time or two..."For the Father gave us the Spirit flow." Remember, these are just simply suggestions. I hardly ever do something the same way twice. Variety keeps things refreshingly new. Don't get stuck always doing things the same way.
![]() 1) Sing Part A with the choir/praise team a couple of times, singing unison melody, then, parts on repeat. Then... 2) Begin again, inviting the congregation to join. Then... 3) Let the choir/praise team sing Part B in unison melody. Then... 4) Repeat Part B in parts with the congregation. Then... 5) Everyone sing Part A using the 2nd ending. If things are flowing well, you might extend it by having some voices sing Part B while the rest sing Part A.
CHRISTMAS SUGGESTION: Try using LET US ADORE in a medley with O, COME ALL YE FAITHFUL. One is in the Key of D and the other in G. Easy transition.
![]() This one works as a worship song or during ministry time. 1) Sing verse one with the choir/praise team. Then... 2) Repeat and invite congregation to join (print or project the words). Sing verse 2. Then... 3) Sing refrain again: "I'm Yours to lead...etc." Then... 4) Repeat last line a time or two: "I'm Your vessel. Lord, I am Your sheep." Then... 5) Finish by singing the last line without the instruments.
As a writer, the thought of writing lyrics about the greatness of God seems overwhelming! How can you ever express all of the attributes of the greatness of God in one song? You can't! So, I just use the words that come to me, put it on a melody that I trust is pleasing to Him, and allows others to have a true worship experience, while giving an offering of praise to Him. Sounds complicated, but for me, it just all happens at the same time! Here are the lyrics I wrote, that express my thoughts about the GREATNESS OF GOD: Verse One The heavens declare your glory, Lord how great You are. The oceans still bow before, Lord how great You are. Chorus The mountains and trees are dressed in majesty How great You are The glory of Your presence is always seen. Verse Two To You I will praise and give honor Lord how great You are. For You are my God and Creator Lord how great You are. The Hymn Sheet arrangement of LORD, HOW GREAT YOU ARE comes with a key change, going from D to E. This is a chorus you can linger with, before going into the key change. When introducing it to your congregation, if you take time to repeat the verses in the first key, by the time you move into the key change, it will bring a great burst of worship. Listen to the LIVE WORSHIP. This clip begins in the middle of a segment of worship where we have introduced the song, then repeated it several times, before moving into the key change. You can hear the WORSHIP EXCITEMENT!
THANKSGIVING SUGGESTION For Thanksgiving, this is a great one to introduce to your congregation. 1) Have the choir/praise team sing the first verse in unison in the key of Eb. Then... 2) Invite the congregation to join on the same verse. Then... 3) Sing verse two in parts (still in Eb). Then... 4) Have the accompanist play a transition into the key of F and sing the last verse in parts. Then... 5) Sing COME, YE THANKFUL PEOPLE COME (Key of F). Then... 6) Maybe sing NOW THANK WE ALL OUR GOD (also in F). Then.. 7) Go back to the last verse of MY GLORIOUS KING. Then... 8) End it by singing the last sentence a couple of times (Thanksgiving and praise, my glorious King).
There are several ways you can use this song. First of all, it is two pages long, so don't let the double bar at the end of the first page fool you. The chorus is on the page #1 and the verses are on page #2.
4 Ways to Use the Song 1) You can use the chorus (p.1) by itself as a worship chorus without singing the verses (p.2). 2) For the Christmas season, you can sing the chorus and verse #1 (it's about the birth of Christ). 3) For "Easter," you can sing the chorus and verse #2 (it's about the sacrifice of Christ). 4) Or, just sing it all the way through.
#1 You might try singing the chorus one time through with the choir/praise team. Then, invite the congregation to join. They will know it after hearing one time. #2 Then, have the choir/praise team sing verse #1 (the Christmas verse). #3 Then, end by everyone singing the chorus again. One More Way Another way is to sing the chorus as the chorus of the month, then, add verse #1 the last Sunday or two in December.
This one works great as a call to worship. 1) Have the choir sing verse 1 with the accompanists. Then... 2) Sing the same verse a cappella. Then... 3) Without stopping invite the congregation to sing the same verse, this time with the accompanists. Then, 4) Continue by singing verse 2. Then... 5) End by repeating verse 1 once more. Then... 6) Tag it by singing the last line a couple of times..."O Lord, my God forever You will be." 7) Then, you could sing HIS NAME IS WONDERFUL, a cappella. Begin it softly and gradually build.
My suggestion is to sing it with the repeats, then mix it up anyway you want. Sometimes I sing it with repeats, then sing it again without them. You might try using it as a medley with another song. Example: There's a great praise hymn by William Reynolds (1975 Baptist Hymnal) called, PRAISE HIM, O PRAISE HIM that works well with SING HALLELUJAH. They are both in the key of D. So, there's no key change to figure out. 1. Begin with SING HALLELUJAH, then... 2. Sing verse 1 of PRAISE HIM, O PRAISE HIM, then... 3. Return to SING HALLELUJAH, this time without repeats (sing 2nd endings), then... 4. Sing verse 2 of PRAISE HIM, O PRAISE HIM, then... 5. Finish by returning to SING HALLELUJAH and this time sing the repeats. These are only suggestions and should not be considered a formula for a successful praise and worship service. If the heart isn't right, I don't believe our praise and worship offerings are either. But what joy there is in singing, praising, and worshipping the Lord with a renewed mind and a pure heart.
1) Sing verse one as a solo or duet, then invite the congregation to repeat verse one. Then... 2) Let the ladies, those in the congregation as well, sing verse 2. Then... 3) Let all the men sing verse 3 in unison melody. Then... 4) All sing verse 4 in parts. Then... 5) Extend the ending by singing in parts the pick up phrase in measure 5 of verse 1 that leads into measure 6 to the end. ...the Lord is gracious, full of compassion to all who call on Him. 6) Then, do the same thing with the pick up phrase in measure 5 of verse 2 that leads into measure 6 to the end. ...the Lord is faithful, His love is with us, as we place our cares on Him. 7) Then, end by singing softly in unison melody the pick up phrase in measure 5 of verse 3 that leads into measure 6 to the end. ...the Lord is holy. We bow before Him, and worship at His feet.
This is a very short chorus with 2 verses. When you begin the worship service open with this chorus and sing both verses with the choir/praise team, then start all over again, inviting the congregation to join. Then, if you have the chorus, IF YOU ABIDE IN JESUS, you could add it on as a medley. THE RIGHT TIME is in "A" which is the dominant chord for the key of D. That's one of the keys, IF YOU ABIDE is written in.
If you have an invitation time for receiving Jesus Christ or a ministry time when people come down for prayer, this might work well for you. 1.One way to use it is by having the choir hum as the pastor begins to make an appeal for people to receive the Lord. He could even take about the women at well in John 4 and how Jesus shared with her about living water that would satisfy her thirst forever. 2.Then, have the choir softly sing it through. 3. Have the pastor cue you if he wants to talk some more and have the choir hum again. When he finishes... 4. Have the choir sing the bridge at measure 8..."Drink from the well etc..." 5. If ministry time continues turn to the congregation and have them join. (maybe use an overhead or print the words in the worship guide) 6. If you want to add a tag ending to it, just sing the last line a time or two..."For it is free when you receive it...etc"
Although there are three verses, only a word or two are changed on each one, so it is very easy to remember. 1) Sing verse 1 with choir/worship team, then have congregation join on same verse. The message in this verse is, TO BE MORE LIKE JESUS. So... 2) You might sing an old worship chorus like TO BE LIKE JESUS. To be like Jesus, to be like Jesus, all I ask is to be like Him...etc 3) Now sing verse two of TO BE MORE LIKE YOU. It's about loving like Jesus. Then... 4) You might sing a couple of verses of the hymn MY JESUS, I LOVE THEE. Verse 2 says, "I love Thee because thou hast first loved me." Then... 5) Sing final verse of TO BE MORE LIKE YOU. This verse is about living more like Jesus, so... 6) Finish the medley by singing something like TAKE MY LIFE, AND LET IT BE (by Frances R. Havergal) 7) If you want to extend the medley add HE LIVES. It begins on the last note of TO BE MORE LIKE YOU (F). Then... 8) If you have my INTROS & TAGS FOR GREAT HYMNS, use the tag ending for HE LIVES after the last verse. (Be careful though, someone may shout, "Glory, hallelujah", and disrupt the service. Just kidding!)
When you have a service where salvation is the main focus... 1) Begin the service by having the choir/praise team sing VERILY, VERILY. Then... 2) Invite the congregation to join (one time through and they will know it by memory). Then... 3) Begin the invitation time by singing it. Then... 4) Sing verses 1 & 2 Kurt Kaiser's PASS IT ON (they are both in the key of D). Then... 5) Go back to VERILY, VERILY. Then... 6) Sing the 3rd verse of PASS IT ON. If the invitation time continues, sing I SURRENDER ALL (key of D), then repeat VERILY, VERILY. This little chorus can be the white in the Oriole Cookie. From there you could go to AMAZING GRACE. It starts on the note D, which is the last melody note of VERILY, VERILY.
I never grow weary of telling the Lord that I love Him! That's what this simple worship chorus is all about, just telling the Lord, "I Love You". It starts as corporate worship, then moves into personal worship, as you can see from the lyrics:
We love you, Jesus. You are our Savior. You came to save us, From all our sin. We lift my praises, Bow down in worship, With thanksgiving, Then start again.
I love you, Jesus You are my Savior You came to save me From all my sin. I lift my praises, Bow down in worship With thanksgiving, Then start again.
One of the things I like about this chorus, besides its simplicity, is the last phrase, Then start again. If you stop to think about it, when do you stop telling the Lord that you love Him, and when do you stop praising, bowing, and thanking Him for being your Savior? You can't stop, and that's what happens with this chorus. You can repeat it over and over!
I suggest starting with the "We" verse. This will allow the congregation time to think about their Savior, and the Spirit of God to stir up praise, worship, and thanksgiving. Then move into the "I" verse. There are several choruses and hymns this will work well with like, I LOVE YOU, LORD, or MY JESUS, I LOVE THEE, using the Key of F. Most important, don't rush. Just enjoy telling the Lord that you love Him.
Don't be afraid of repetition. You can repeat Part A or Part B several times.
1) Begin by having a soloist sing Part A. Then... 2) Join the soloist with a few voices in unison. Then... 3) Invite the congregation along with the choir/praise team to sing Part A a couple of times (melody only). Then... 4) Soloist sing Part B (Savior, Shepherd etc). Then... 5) Everyone sing Part B (melody). Then... 6) Start over, this time singing the harmony parts.
It also works well as an invitation song medley I SURRENDER ALL (D) or PASS IT ON. Don't sing it too fast. Better too slow on this particular song. BONUS SUGGESTION: The last time Part B is sung, you might have a few voices sing Part A along with them, then feel out when to end (laugh). In others words, have a signal (hand cue) ready incase you want to continue the song.
1) Have a soloist sing the first part (8 measures). Then... 2) Choir/praise team repeat in unison melody (8 measures). Then... 3) Sing it again in parts. Then... 4) Invite congregation to join (They will know it by now). Then... 5) Turn to choir and sing the "B" section (4 measures). Then... 6) Have congregation come in again. 7) Then you might repeat "B" section with choir and everybody sing to the end.
![]() This song works great by itself or as the filling in the Oriole Cookie! 1) Once you present it to the congregation by repeating a time or two... 2) Go directly to my chorus, I SEEK YOUR KINGDOM, LORD. Keep the same tempo. 3) Then, go back to YOU ARE SO WONDERFUL. 4) Then, go to the bridge of I SEEK YOUR KINGDOM, LORD.
(Bridge) SEEK HIS KINGDOM, HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS RECEIVE HIS PROMISE OF HAPPINESS 5) Then, end on YOU ARE SO WONDERFUL This is one of many ways to use these two songs. You can also end on I SEEK YOUR KINGDOM, LORD without singing the bridge.
For a Blended Worship Service: 1) Let the choir/praise team sing it as an opener, then get the congregation to join. Then... 2) Without stopping sing a verse of Beethoven's, JOYFUL, JOYFUL WE ADORE THEE. Then... 3) Sing YOU GIVE ME JOY. Then... 4) Be creative and alternate anyway you feel inspired, or add another hymn or chorus to it.
1) Sing JOY TO THE WORLD (key of D). Then... 2) On the last measure have the accompanists make it a 4/4 measure and play D7 instead of a D. Then... 3) Without slowing down, sing, YOU GIVE ME JOY.
If your church does blended worship (old songs blended in with the new), you might try this out: 1) Sing GRACE GREATER THAN OUR SIN in the Key of G...Then, 2) Play a measure of G7 chord (just add an F note to the last chord in the right hand of GRACE GREATER...) Then, 3) Have a soloist sing verse 1 of YOU TOOK MY FALL in "C" and add the Choir/Praise Team on the Chorus. Then, 4) Repeat verse 1 with the congregation. Then, 5) Play an A7 chord (A, C#, E, G) and sing verse 2 in "D". Then, 6) Sing AMAZING GRACE in the Key of G. Then, 7) If you want to extend it a bit, sing softly, verse 1 again of YOU TOOK MY FALL in the Key of C, building on the chorus. |
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The Lanier Company . music@thelaniercompany.com House of Lanier Publishing Company . music@thelaniercompany.com New Creation Ministries . mail@ncministries.org Gary Lanier . gary@thelaniercompany.com Valleta Lanier . valleta@thelaniercompany.com